Rockland Savings Bank, FSB’s internet banking security provides top level safety features to give you, our customers, greater security and peace of mind as you manage your accounts. Our customers taking the extra steps to help protect themselves from fraudulent activity and scams completes the secure online experience.
We know that keeping your information safe is critical, and we take all the necessary steps in protecting it.
Frequently Asked Questions
How secure are the RSB Internet Banking sessions?
Authentication: Each user must enter their unique Access ID and Password. Upon successful login, the system authenticates your unique Access ID and Password.
Lock-Outs: Each user has 3 attempts for a successful log in. If the Internet Security System cannot authenticate your login after 3 attempts, your account will be locked out and you must contact us to unlock your account or click on the "Forgot Password" link on our home page to reset your password.
Registering Devices: All users are required to register their device in order to access Internet Banking. There is no limit to the number of devices registered.
Additional Authentication: The first time you log into your account, you will be asked to set up a security question and answer, as well as giving three (3) challenge questions. This will assist in resetting your password should you forget or get locked out.
Secure Connections: Once the connection to Internet Banking has been established, your session is in a secured environment of 128-bit encryption and SSL.
Cookies: Cookies are temporary files stored on your computer for website configuration and performance. We use cookies to maintain your account identity as you navigate from page to page. These files are deactivated and removed from your computer once you terminate your session.
How can I be more secure during my Internet Banking sessions?
Include upper and lowercase letters and numbers in your passwords.
Change your password frequently.
Keep your password confidential - never write your password down or share it.
Be sure you have antivirus/antispam and Firewall installed and updated on your device.
Never share sensitive personal information via email (Social Security numbers, account numbers, or login information).
Internet Explorer 11 is outdated. For improved security and optimized performance we highly recommend upgrading your browser. ChromeFirefoxEdge